Delivery time

Each product is shipped within 2 working days after crediting the funds.

Shipments are delivered by courier companies. Delivery time depends on a chosen one, shipment type and the recipient's location. It usually takes up to 2 working days.


By paying with an outside method of online transfer, time of recieving the package gets elongated by the time of the payment getting booked. In the title you can write your name and the number of your order. Additionally, you can send a proof of the payment to our e-mail: - that will speed up the processing of your order. 

If you picked the Inpost option for recieving your order, the package will arrive in the locker of your choice in a few days (around 3 business days), counting from the "shipped" status.

In the case of the personal collection, you'll recieve the information via e-mail, that your order is ready for a pick up.

Address for a personal collection:

Stprint sp. z o.o.

Wola Batorska 961

32-007 Wola Batorska

NIP: 6793113617

Phone: 123337318 (monday - friday, 8 am to 4 pm
